Sunday, November 13, 2011

Phase 11 - game 2

The X-Men vs The Hellfire Club. Claremaont & Byrne eat your hears out.
I liked the Hellfire club's chances here.  The Black King was still strong & The White Queen was at full strength.  The strategy was to keep Emma Frost and her students back until Shaw weakened the X-Men.

The X-Men were going to use their team ability in the first round to heal up Cyclops & Beast.  With Cyclops on the map, this is a worthwhile strategy (THE X-LEADER: Cyclops can use Leadership. When any friendly character uses the X-Men team ability, heal 2 damage instead of 1).

The Black King & Skullbuster charged in, followed by Harry Leland to slow the X-Men down ( MASS INCREASE: Opposing characters within 4 squares of Harry Leland can't be given actions to use Charge, Running Shot, or Hypersonic Speed and halve their speed values when given a move action).  This worked, but it didn't matter in the long run.

The X-Men, knowing Shaw's weakness, attacked with Iceman and incapacitate, while Cyclops moved in and picked him off.  Near the end of the game, the X-Men got a rescue roll during the deployment rolls and returned the X-Force Wolverine.

The battle went on for a little while longer, but the Wizkid dice rolls were low and the game ended in a draw.  The final round will hold some suprises for both the heroes and villains.

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